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Cutting Training at Benihana 17

Agenda ・Practice of trimming ribeye

Practice of trimming Ribeye

The shape of rib eye is quite similar to sirloin as they are next each other. Ribeye could be divided in 3 small parts: Maki which is wrapped over ribeye roll, Mimi (Enpitsu) which has small triangle shaped looks like a tip of pencil next to ribeye roll and Ribeye roll which is the main body of ribeye.

Maki is softest and tastiest part in ribeye however due to its small size and flat shape, it is often sliced with the rest of the parts as one steak slice.

The rimming is straight forward but you need to remember there is a tough sinew between Maki and Ribeye roll. If you would like to slice the ribeye for one large steak cut, you need to be patient not to dived them completely.

Sinew on ribeye roll

Sinew on Maki

After Trimming

Calculation of the wastage:

<Weight of Wastage 523g> 2637g (Final Weight of meat)÷3160g (Original Weight) x 100 = 83.4% (Yield Ratio)

1 – 0.834 x 100 = Wastage Ratio: 16.6%

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