Cutting Training at Benihana 20
Agenda ・Practice of trimming Sirloin
・Practice of retail cut
Trimming Sirloin
I find it quite hard to take off the triangle shaped block from the rump side everytime. advised by the Wagyu Master that it is easier to find the boader line between the block and the sinew from the side rather than the front. I am sure that more you get to know the meat where and how all part is located, you could process this much faster.
Retail Cut with Sogi-giri (Shaving Cut) When making retail cuts, it is essencial to make all pieces in the similar size to keep the equalility to your guests or customers. Always plan ahead how much you could cut from one piece and how you can make them in the same size and shape.



Sogi-giri: Hold your knife at about a 45 degree angle diagonal to the meat.

Lectured by Meat Master / Executive Chef at Benihana UK -Mr Toshio Suzuki