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Cutting Training at Benihana 7

Agenda ・How to remove big pieces of sinew

・About Sakudori / Sectioning ・Practice of using Gyuto

Gain / Achievement from the training attended

・How to remove big pieces of sinew In this method, you can trim off a big piece of sinew which wraps the surface.

The key of this training is how to use and control the tip of the blade. Firstly place the tip of blade underneath of the edge of the sinew then slide it off to get a lose piece to be held by your left hand. Use the tip of blade to take them apart but always keep it as close to the surface of the meat to get the minimum amount of the meat to be cut off. Always keep checking where you cut by lifting up the sinew to see the actual borderline between sinew and meat.

・About Sakudori It is a traditional cutting method for Sashimi and is also called sectioning. Sakudori also can be used for meat to cut into thin and same sized slices. The thin slices are often used for Yakiniku (Japanese / Korean style BBQ).

Lectured by Meat Master / Executive Chef at Benihana UK -Mr Toshio Suzuki

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