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Cutting Training at Benihana 12

Agenda ・Practice of preparing a half cattle of sirloin ・About differences of knives ・How to learn parts and cutting methods by yourself

Preparing the sirloin This was the 3rd time to prepare the Australian chained sirloin. The hardest part for me is trimming the main sinews on the surface. After removing the sinew, the surface of the sirloin is not always smooth because the blade goes into the meat slightly every time when I stop to check when I cut and restart trimming again. It is probably time to trim it through as much as I can without checking it so often and remember to pull the sinew in parallel all the time.

Different lengths of knives Mr Suzuki firstly recommended me to use the longer and bigger knife to get used to it. The longer knife is also ideal for cutting big pieces of meat and can be used for any detailed work such as cutting thin slices and finding sinews. Also once you get used to use longer knife, you find easy to control shorter knife comparing to switching from small to big one.

Leaning how to cut at home If you do not have a chance to join the actual cutting course, you can always learn how to do on YouTube and most videos explain and cut with the butchery specs which can be divided to more pieces than the restaurant specs especially for Wagyu, Also it is great to read books about Japanes BBQ which explains about each cut and part really well.

Lectured by Meat Master / Executive Chef at Benihana UK -Mr Toshio Suzuki

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